Seed Quality Assurance System through Participatory Guarantee System (PGS)


We are excited to share that our work under the Gender Responsive Seed Systems Project has been published on CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) Spaces. have developed the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), a groundbreaking approach that empowers smallholder and women farmers to lead seed quality assurance. By shifting certification responsibilities to farmer groups, PGS ensures that even the most marginalized farmers can participate in the seed system, fostering equity and sustainability.

Our work also highlights the importance of gender-responsive seed information pathways, ensuring that women farmers have equal access to critical seed information. This inclusive approach is key to building resilient and productive farming communities.

Read our full report through this link to discover how these innovative approaches are making a difference in the lives of farmers.

PGS for Seed Quality Assurance on CGIAR Space – The PDF file


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